Marc Sibard condemned – some reflections

RvF article

Revue du Vin de France: sympathetic interview with Marc Sibard 2.5.17

On Sunday  Michel Smith posted here about the silence that has generally surrounded the guilty verdict against Marc Sibard for moral and sexual harassment. Running the famous Caves Augé in Paris for many years Sibard is a famous figure within the Parisian wine world.

The case was brought by three female ex-employees of the Caves Augé, who had been touched inappropriately by Sibard back in 2012. The lawyer for one of the women referred to un droit de cuissage – similar to droit de seigneur. Five years later on 6th July 2017, Sibard was found guilty at the Tribunal de Paris and sentenced to one year’s imprisonment, suspended, ordered to undergo treatment for alcoholism for 24 months, pay legal fees amounting to 24,000 euros and a fine 5000 €. If Sibard offends again within five years he will go to prison. Details here and here.  Caves Augé is part of the Lavinia group.

Read here and here the experience and thoughts of Emma Bentley, one of the plaintiffs. These are brave and moving posts. I know a little at first hand how stressful and time consuming a court case can be even if it does not come to court. This pales into insignificance when you make a sexual harassment complaint and follow it through to the trial.

Michel’s complaint on Sunday was that Sibard being found guilty of repeated sexual harassment/abuse has largely been greeted with silence and complete indifference by the wine world. Apparently a leading wine world figure being declared a sex offender is not news. Apart from a couple of articles on Vitisphere above and posts on blogs, in particular Vincent Pousson, and some on Facebook, Vincent again and Michel Smith. Otherwise nothing… Omerta? Thank goodness for social media!

A Google search on Sibard today brings up the sympathetic interview/profile published by the Revue du Vin de France on 2nd May 2017 just over two months before Sibard was condemned as a sex offender. No mention of the impending case and no mention subsequent to the 6th July 2017 judgment. Although the article is on-line so it could easily be amended or removed.

Did RdF know about the impending trial? Did Sibard not think it was germane to disclose that he faced serious sexual charges? Or did both sides think that sexual harassment was so unimportant it didn’t merit a mention either then or now? **

« Nothing to see here, move on please. »

Actually it is clear that there is plenty that needs to be uncovered and seen. Read Michel Smith’s Facebook post from Sunday promoting his post on Les 5 du Vin, which provided a focus for a number of women to report on their experiences of harassment:


Une fois je me suis trouvée dans une situation où la seule issue a été la fuite et encore heureux je cours plus vite qu’un célèbre vigneron espagnol bourré…’ 

In the UK over the last few years we have seen a number of high profile trials of powerful and famous men, who got away, often for years, with sexual harassement and assault. Several are now in prison or have served prison sentences. The entertainer, Rolf Harris, was found guilty of a first set of charges, but was aquitted this year of four new charges when the jury couldn’t agree on a verdict.  Others include the publicist Max Clifford and radio personality Stuart Hall.

There are also multiple allegations involving abuse of young boys by certain UK football coaches. These offences/allegations date back to 1970s, 1980s and 1990s showing it can be very difficult for victims of sexual harassment and abuse to come forward especially if the abuser is in a position of power – fame, wealth or employer etc. The changes in attitude to these assaults following the exposure of the multiple sexual assaults by the late DJ Jimmy Saville and the scandals of the Catholic Church may well have encouraged some of the victims to come forward years – decades even – after the assaults took place.*

This is why breaking the silence is so important to make easier for victims to come forward and to change attitudes to assaults, so that not only will sexual harassment be reported but people will hopefully be enpowered to challenge sexual harassment when it happens – often requiring considerable courage.

There is a long way to go. Amazingly Donald Trump is currently president of the United States and a recent visitor to Paris despite a history of multiple sexual harassment claims. Highlighted by his famous brag: I « can do anything » to women, including « just start kissing them… I don’t even wait » and « grab ’em by the pussy« .

Ironically Trump was propelled into power as 64% of non-college educated white women voted for him!

Across the Atlantic en marche backwards……..

* Some of these cases involved minors, there is no suggestion that this was the case in the judgment against Marc Sibard.


Update 18.00 BST 18.7.2017

RvF no appeal

** This afternoon, following the news that Marc Sibard would not be appealing against the judgment of 6th July 2017, the Revue du Vin de France has finally published a news story on the sentence imposed upon Marc Sibard. RvF article is here.





11 réflexions sur “Marc Sibard condemned – some reflections

  1. Michel Smith

    Bravo & many thanks Jim for supporting the cause.
    May I just allow myself one more reflexion concerning Lavinia, the same bit as I replied yesterday on my post.
    I can rassure everybody that this might well be the last time I write on that case. Sorry, but it’s in French.

    Contrairement à ce qu’affirme David, de nombreuses personnes du monde parisien du vin (et au-delà) étaient au courant de se qui se passait chez Augé. Beaucoup sont ceux qui ont prévenu il y a longtemps et à maintes reprises leur direction, parfois avec insistance, de la conduite pour le moins honteuse de celui qui se croyait le pape du vin naturel et qui laissait volontiers planer l’idée qu’il était propriétaire du magasin les Caves Augé.
    Je tiens cela, avec Vincent Pousson, de la confidence des victimes, mais aussi du personnel rattaché soit à Lavinia soit à Augé (en fait, la même entreprise) et j’en déduis avec eux que si leur direction n’a rien fait pour arrêter ce massacre, c’est tout simplement à cause du fric généré par Sibard, lequel en plus de 20 ans, avait réussi à s’attacher la confiance de riches et célèbres buveurs de vins.
    Son portefeuille de vignerons qui lui faisaient aussi une confiance presque aveugle était enviable.
    Lavinia et ses dirigeants ont adopté une politique de l’autruche à cause de tout cela. Ils savaient depuis longtemps, mais avaient la trouille de perdre un maillon important de leur business.
    Je ne suis pas un justicier et j’ignore beaucoup de la procédure, mais il me semble que leur devoir était de licencier Sibard pour fautes graves – quelqu’en soit le coût – et de se porter partie civile pour défendre son personnel.
    C’est ce qu’aurait fait n’importe quel patron soucieux à la fois de la réputation de sa boîte, mais aussi des personnes qu’il emploie.
    Le manque de réaction de Lavinia fait tout le contraire : cela détruit l’honneur de la marque et cela n’encourage pas les jeunes talents à aller travailler pour cette société.
    Je le répète, le harcèlement au travail, qu’il soit moral ou sexuel ou les deux à la fois comme c’est souvent le cas, hélas, cette conduite dégradante remontant à d’autres siècles , est l’oeuvre de pervers dont les ravages sont aussi importants que ceux causés par le viol.
    Même pas un mot de compassion à l’égard de toutes ces victimes, y compris celles qui se taisent, et l’on se retrouve avec une double peine et des vies brisées à jamais.


    1. Michel a raison dans toutes ces affirmations, et Vicent et Frédérique Montès avec lui. La réactionde Frédérique au papier de Michel hier était tout à fait éclairée. Je ne souhaite pas m’exprimer sur un sujet si douloureux, simplement rajouter que j’ai fait ce qu’il fallait, dans la mesure de mes moyens. Très certainement insuffisant, la preuve, mais j’ai lutté. Je rappelle que j’ai partagé près de 15 ans de ma vie professionnelle à ses côtés.

      Aimé par 2 personnes

  2. Jim Budd

    I have now included two brave and moving posts by Emma Bentley, one of the plaintiffs. I suspect that Sibard may only be a tip of an iceberg. How many young women doing a stage at a winery in France or, indeed, anywhere in the world face sexual harassment/sexual abuse?


  3. Ping : Suicide du chef Taku Sékine, #metoo en cuisine – Les 5 du Vin

  4. Ping : #MeToo in wine – Les 5 du Vin

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